DUI Attorney Guide (Page 5)

What Is Aggravated Mayhem?

You may hear the word ‘mayhem’ bantered round in daily conversation. You may even be accused of it! But in daily terms the meaning is quite different from what it means in a court of law:                Mayhem is seen as any force which causes serious and gruesome injury. In legal terms you need to intentionally cause a serious injury to another person. This is very different to the conversational use of mayhem which simply refers to a sense of chaos. ... ❯❯❯

Understanding Vicarious Liability: How You Can Be Responsible for the Acts of Others

It seems fair in the eyes of the law that you are responsible for your own actions. That is, of course, unless you are mentally incapable of deciding between right and wrong. However, what you might not realize is that there are times when you are subject to vicarious liability. This is when you are responsible for the actions of others. This can be a difficult concept to grasp as you may feel that you have no control over how another person behaves. In... ❯❯❯

The Rights of Those Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault

Statistics suggest that between 2 and 6% of sexual assault allegations are false. This is potentially an encouraging fact, unless you are the one that is wrongly accused. It is estimated that a sexual assault occurs in the US every 98 seconds. This makes a rough figure of 321,500 sexual assaults every year. If just 2% of these are falsely accused then that’s 6,430 people a year. That’s a big problem if you’re one of the people being falsely accused.... ❯❯❯

Stress-Related Workers' Compensation Claims

Estimates suggest that stress at work is responsible for $190 billion in annual healthcare costs! Whether you’re a stressed employee or a concerned employer it’s important to understand this topic and how to deal with stressed employees. What Is Stress Stress is actually the body responding to a difficult situation. In primitive humans it was a response to a fight or flight scenario. When you become stressed your body is filled with cortisol to prime... ❯❯❯

Self Defense Principles Under the American Law

The right to own a gun is generally seen as fundamental to the American way of life. However, it is interesting to note that just 3% of American adults own in excess of 133million firearms! Approximately another 132 million guns are owned by the rest of the 31% of Americans that actually own a gun. Unsurprisingly gun ownership and use is concentrated in the poorest areas of the country. While most people purchase guns for self defense reasons this is... ❯❯❯

Police Used an Arrest Warrant to then Conduct a Search of My Home - Is That Legal?

The police in any country have a lot of power and with this comes great responsibility. In most cases you will not be as familiar with the law as they are. In fact, if you are a law abiding citizen then you will probably be relying on them to look after you. It is worth noting that the police and law enforcement agencies are different although both entities contain parts of the other. If you do find yourself in trouble with the police it is important to... ❯❯❯

Legal Consequences of Drinking and Driving

If you have a blood alcohol limit above 0.08% then you are above the legal limit to drive. In fact, if you’re under 21 in the US then you’ll find the legal limit is lower. It’s different in every state. Drinking and driving is generally referred to as Driving Under the Influence (DUI). If you have been pulled over and are over the limit it s advisable to contact a Los Angeles DUI Lawyer immediately. Driving under the influence impairs your judgment. It... ❯❯❯

Is your license suspended immediately after a DUI?

It’s surprising in the modern era that 31% of all road deaths are linked with alcohol. Despite the increased awareness of the consequences of drink driving it does not seem to have affected the number of people doing it. Perhaps it is because they feel they will not get caught, or maybe you don’t realize you’re over the limit. Unfortunately, if you are caught under the influence then, as this Los Angeles DUI Lawyer will tell you, there are serious... ❯❯❯

Is Solitary Confinement Legal for a Juvenile and if so Is Four Years in Solitary Excessive?

To many people the idea of being confined, away from other people and with just your own thoughts is bliss. After all, we all lead busy lives and a few moments of peace are hard to find. But, while this might be nice for a short period this is not the same as solitary confinement inside a prison. When you’re inside solitary confinement consists of being trapped in one small room for between 22 and 24 hours of the day. Your only human contact is... ❯❯❯

Ignition Devices for DUI Offenses: Can I Get a Waiver?

Drinking over a certain amount and then driving is against the law. In the past it was seen as generally acceptable. However, as our understanding of the effects of alcohol has improved it has become obvious that it is a factor in 50% of all fatal highway crashes. The result is that Driving Under the Influence (DUI) has become a serious offense. If you are found to be committing a DUI in Los Angeles then it is important that you get a Los Angeles... ❯❯❯

How to Survive a Medicaid Fraud Investigation

The healthcare in the US is excellent but you do need to have insurance to benefit from it fully. Unfortunately there are an estimated 27 million people in the US without health insurance. This means there are plenty of people looking or a way round the system. Even those who are insured can make false claims in order to get the treatment they need. Having insurance doesn’t mean there will get the medical attention they need. This is demonstrated by the... ❯❯❯

Criminal Conviction Appeals: What You Need to Know Before Filing Your Appeal

There is little more terrifying in this life than the moment you are arrested and escorted to a jail cell. Suddenly you will lose all control over your surroundings and even your ability to do things. It is possible to argue that this is a result of your own behavior but that will not make it less terrifying. It can be ten times worse when you’re innocent and yet you are still found guilty at your trial. Mistakes and miscarriages of justice do happen,... ❯❯❯

Common DUI Defenses You Should Know About

Were you recently charged with a DUI? According to Statistic Brain, an average of 1,500,000 drivers are arrested annually for driving while under the influence. That comes to about 1,250 people out of every 100,000. Within this number, however, there are those who do not deserve the conviction and who are able to appeal the charge in court. According to Aaron Black, a Scottsdale, AZ DUI Lawyer, “A DUI on your record can affect your future job prospects.”... ❯❯❯

Thinking of Starting Your Own Legal Practice? This Article Has Tips Which Can Help

When it comes to starting a business like a law firm, the majority of business owners focus on the service they will be pvodiging, And while this is a strong element of your business, if you don’t pay attention to the business side of your operations then your firm won’t last very long. Below is some consideration to keeping in mind when starting your practice. Sell Through Your Name Do you have any idea what kind of legal service McMahon, Lannister, &... ❯❯❯

Was One More Drink Worth Getting a DUI?

When you stop to think about it, was that one last drink worth getting a driving under the influence (DUI) charge? For many in such a predicament, their personal and professional lives can turn into chaos. So, what legal options do you have when a DUI is steering you in the face? Finding the Best Legal Counsel Your first step is to go out and locate an experienced DUI attorney. Remember, he or she must give you the best possible scenario to beat the... ❯❯❯

Consequences of DUI conviction

In Canada, motorists who have been found with Over 80 mg of alcohol in their blood can be charged with impaired driving, according to the Criminal Code. If convicted, it can mean serious repercussions including fines, jail time, a loss of license and even a criminal record. Fines, even for first time offenders, can be upwards of $1,000. Reoccurring offences can result in jail time. Second offenders can face up to 30 days while third offenders can be... ❯❯❯

4 Things You Need to Know About Patents

4 Things You Need to Know About PatentsPatent applications can be extremely valuable or a waste of time. It all depends on the suitability of your invention for patenting, and whether you put together the patent application correctly. If you are considering filing a patent for your invention, here are some key facts you need to know. The Need for a Patent (Or Not) A patent means the product is exclusively owned by the inventor. This means that there is a legal barrier against other... ❯❯❯

What to Do if Charged With a Criminal Offence

Being charged with a criminal offence does not automatically mean you are going to jail or that your life is ruined. There are many things that need to occur prior to receiving a guilty sentence from the courts and one of them is having the chance to defend yourself. Here are 5 things you should do if you are charged with a criminal offence. Take It Seriously Regardless of if you are innocent of all charges or guilty, you need to take a criminal charge... ❯❯❯

Can Calgary Criminal Lawyers Keep You Off Ignition Interlock After a DUI Arrest?

Calgary criminal lawyers are crucial for those arrested on DUI charges in Calgary. If you’re convicted, your license may be suspended for up to a year, and you may have to pay a $1,500 fine. If you’re a repeat offender, you can go to jail for a year or even longer. Your insurance premiums go up, crossing the border to the US may become problematic, and you may even lose your job. You might also have to take part in the Ignition Interlock Program. Here... ❯❯❯

DUI in Alberta: Crucial Questions and Answers

Searching for a good DUI lawyer in Alberta commonly involves many important questions and considerations, and it can be difficult to find a clear and concise answer to legal enquiries. In this short guide, we aim to answer the most frequently asked questions about this process, providing you with a snapshot of how it functions and how you can maximize your chances if you’ve found yourself with a DUI charge. Am I going to jail? If it’s a no-injury DUI... ❯❯❯

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