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Stress-Related Workers' Compensation Claims

Estimates suggest that stress at work is responsible for $190 billion in annual healthcare costs! Whether you’re a stressed employee or a concerned employer it’s important to understand this topic and how to deal with stressed employees.

What Is Stress

Stress is actually the body responding to a difficult situation. In primitive humans it was a response to a fight or flight scenario.

When you become stressed your body is filled with cortisol to prime this fight or flight response. This process shuts down many of your normal chemical reactions in your body.

Unfortunately the human body is not capable of distinguishing between life and death situations or those that are simply difficult; such as a meeting with your boss.

In modern society there are always things to worry about and this can often mean that you are stressed for much of the time. The consequence is that your body does not function properly; this can be detrimental for your health.

Dealing With The Stress

You might feel that you simply need to deal with this stress, the same as everyone else. But if your stress is a direct result of work then you need to talk to a Fort Worth Criminal Lawyer.

This is an extremely difficult area of the law to claim under but it is possible. The emphasis is on proving that the stress you are suffering from work has resulted in a defined medical condition.

Stress is not seen as a condition but rather as the cause of a condition. The medical condition you have as a result of stress can be a physical one such as it caused you to lose concentration and injury your arm. Or, it can be a mental state of mind, such as depression.

But you need to remember that the condition you are arguing that you have must be the result of a proper medical diagnosis.

Why Claim Stress Compensation

It is already established and well documented that long term stress can cause a variety of health issues. In effect the compensation you will be seeking is the monetary value of the change in your life path.

For example, a top manager who was earning $200,000 a year may develop depression through work related stress and only be able to work as a janitor on $20,000. The monetary difference in earnings for the next 30 years of their life is huge; $180,000 worse off per year.

Your lawyer will be able to advise you regarding the condition you have and the compensation you should be entitled to. They will also guide you through the legal process and hopefully get the result you deserve.

But, it should be noted that most cases are not as clear cut as the above example. You will need to consider how you can prove that your condition was a result of workplace stress and not other stress.

It is possible to represent yourself when dealing with a stress claim. However this is a difficult area of the law and professional help is a much better option; assuming you want the right result.