DUI Attorney Resources
Below is a list of websites that are related to DUI attorneys.
- Alcohol Consumption Among Drunken Drivers: doctoral thesis studying the biological markers of excessive drinking in arrested drivers.
- American Prosecutor's Research Institute - National Traffic Law Center: Drunk driving legal issues, prosecutorial and judicial resources, legal briefs and a newsletter.
- Barry T. Simons: Laguna Beach. Specializes in drunk driving cases.
- Benjamin Rice: Santa Cruz. General criminal defense including DUI defense.
- Blackie Burak: Walnut Creek. Practice focused on drunk driving defense.
- Bose Law Firm: Information on Virginia drunk driving and traffic laws.
- Braden & Tucci: Huntington Beach. Firm handles drunk driving cases.
- Burglin Law Offices: Mill Valley. General criminal defense, emphasizing DUI defense.
- C. Robert Brooks: Beverly Hills. Focus on criminal, including DUI; also real estate, family law, medical malpractice, bankruptcy, business law.
- Cahners & Samuels: Palo Alto. Focusing on drunk driving and general criminal defense.
- Century Council - National Hardcore Drunk Driver Project: Information and links for drunk driving law enforcement, prosecution, prevention and alcoholism treatment, sponsored by an organization of distillers.
- Consequences of Drunk Driving...A True Story: account by someone involved in a fatal accident. Includes teen-parent contract, articles, and more.
- Cowan, Smith & Kirk: Information on Washington State drunk driving laws, penalties and procedures, from a law firm.
- Daniel Cohen: La Mesa. Practice focused on DUI, narcotic/drug, assault, robbery and theft offenses.
- Darryl Genis: Santa Barbara. Specializing in drunk driving/DMV defense.
- Daryl B. Thompson: Woodland Hills. Criminal defense attorney, offering services for homicide, drugs, DUI, white collar crime, and computer fraud.
- Dennis Allen Lempert: Santa Clara. Criminal defense practice, including DUI.
- Donald J. Bartell: Riverside. Providing legal services for DUI and criminal defense.
- Drinking and Driving: identifies ways to reduce drunk driving problems such as accidents, injuries and deaths; also ways to increase personal highway safety.
- Driving While Intoxicated: DWI is wrong. However, lowering the BAC level does nothing to address the real problem.
- Drunk Driving Offences: provides information about drinking and driving.
- DUI FYI: information on DUI laws and punishments for driving under the influence. Also features drunk driving facts and info on how to find a DUI lawyer.
- DWI Laws 'n Lawyers: offers information on finding a good DUI and DWI lawyer, as well as facts and myths about drinking.
- Felipe Plascencia: Downey. Practice focusing on DUI, DMV and general criminal defense.
- Gold & Witham: Long Beach. Two-attorney firm handling DUI defense.
- How Breathalyzers Work: examines the scientific principles and technology behind breath alcohol testing devices.
- Howard M. Van Elgort: Soquel. DUI, domestic violence, drugs, assault, theft, white collar, burglary, child abuse, juvenile.
- HowStuffWorks - How Breathalyzers Work: Examination of the scientific principles and technology behind breath alcohol testing devices.
- Hutton & Wilson: Glendale, Century City. Criminal law exclusively, emphasis on DUI defense.
- Impaired Driving On Trial: Information about how driving behavior is affected by alcohol and drugs, as well as scientific and evidentiary issues relating to criminal prosecution, from the Indiana Department of Toxicology. Last revised, September 30, 2003.
- Insurance Institute for Highway Safety: Overview of state drunk driving laws and penalties.
- Intoximeter's Drink Wheel: Calculator to approximate blood-alcohol levels.
- James Farragher Campbell: San Francisco. Practice limited to drunk driving defense exclusively. Information on drunk driving law and defense.
- Jeffrey C. Stotter: Redding. General criminal defense focusing on DUI.
- Joe Vandervoort: Chico. Practice limited to DUI defense; information on drunk driving law and defense.
- Joel W. Bailey: Oceanside. Offering services for criminal and drunk driving defense.
- John A. Campanella: Sacramento. Practice limited to drunk driving defense and alcohol-related felonies.
- John Thornton: Santa Cruz. Drunk driving emphasis, also traffic violations and general criminal defense.
- Joseph H. Low, IV.: Newport Beach. Personal injury, military, stock fraud, DUI, elder abuse.
- Joshua Dale: San Francisco. Personal injury civil cases and general criminal defense, including drunk driving.
- Just One Night: companion site to the PBS program includes facts about drinking and driving, state laws, educational resources, and a court facilitator's guide.
- K. Randolph Moore: San Jose. Practice limited to DUI defense exclusively; information on drunk driving law and defense.
- Kapsack & Bair: Oakland. Practice limited to DUI defense. Handles cases throughout the Bay Area.
- Kevin G. DeNoce: Ventura. Defending persons charged with DUI in Ventura County.
- Kirk Elliott: San Jose. Practice emphasizes drunk driving and DMV defense.
- Land Transport Safety Authority: New Zealand statistics and penalties for drink driving.
- Lawrence Taylor: Long Beach, Irvine, San Diego, Woodlands Hills, Riverside. Eight-attorney law firm with practice devoted exclusively to DUI defense; site has extensive information on drunk driving law.
- Lawrence Taylor - Drunk Driving Law Center: Attorney site providing information for attorneys and the public on California's drunk driving laws, science, and police procedures.
- Linda McNeil: Willits. Practices DUI defense exclusively.
- Loring N. Spolter - FLDUI.com: Information concerning laws and law enforcement, from a Florida attorney.
- Louis J. Goodman: Hayward. General criminal defense, including DUI. Information on drunk driving law and defense.
- Marbella-Lawyers.com: Guide to drunk driving laws in Spain.
- Mark R. DeYoe: San Diego. Criminal defense, drunk driving defense and personal injury cases.
- Mary France Prevost: San Diego. DUI defense in San Diego and Los Angeles counties.
- Michael Fremont: San Diego. DUI and general criminal defense.
- Mindy H. McQueen: Ventura. Drunk driving defense and DMV administrative license suspension cases.
- Moore, Gunter & Barrett: Law firm site providing legal information on driving while intoxicated in Texas.
- Myles L. Berman: Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, Westlake Village. Handling DUI defense.
- National Center for Injury Prevention and Control - Impaired Driving Studies.: Injury fact sheet on alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents.
- National College For DUI Defense, Inc.: Providing legal training and information for drunk driving defense attorneys and accused drunk drivers.
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - Detecting Drunk Drivers: Description of visual cues to drunk driving, from USDOT's DWI Detection Guide.
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - Highway Safety Desk Book: The officer's guide to DUI detection and investigation.
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - On DWI Laws in Other Countries: Comparison of laws in other countries with those in the United States. Includes data about illegal levels of blood alcohol content, sanctions for first and multiple offenses, rehabilitation and regranting of licenses, drivers licensing laws, enforcement practices, BAC testing rules, laws related to youth, and social attitudes.
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - Sobriety Checkpoints.: State-by-state summary of laws and cases permitting or prohibiting DUI checkpoints and/or saturation patrols.
- O'Neill & Woolpert: San Luis Obispo. Criminal defense practice with primary focus on drunk driving and related DMV matters.
- Patricia G. Tilley: Oakland. General criminal defense, including DUI defense.
- Paul Sanford: Aptos. Specializing in DUI/DMV defense in Santa Cruz County.
- Paul Walton: Fremont. Criminal defense, including DUI, shoplifting, domestic violence, and other felonies and misdemenors.
- People Affected by Drunk Driving (PADD): webring of people affected by drunk driving and want to begin healing.
- Poems Against Drunk Driving Ring: collection of poems that encourage people to drive sober.
- Poems Against Impaired Driving: poems that remember victims of drunk driving crashes.
- Police Notebook - BAC Calculator: Facts about alcohol consumption, a blood-alcohol chart and online calculator, provided by the Oklahoma University Police Department.
- Rick Mueller: La Jolla. Practice limited to driving under the influence of alcohol cases.
- Road Traffic Authority, NSW - Drug and Alcohol Offences: Information from the government of New South Wales, Australia, primarily about penalties for alcohol-related driving offences.
- Robert C. Makler.: Santa Barbara. Represents clients charged with drunk driving in Santa Barbara area.
- Ronald A. Jackson: Ventura. Practice limited to drunk driving and DMV cases.
- Sanger and Swysen: Santa Barbara. General civil, criminal and DUI practice.
- Scott R. Spindel: Encino. General criminal defense representation,including DUI.
- Sherman M. Ellison: Sherman Oaks. State and federal criminal practice, including drunk driving defense.
- Steven Oberman - DUI Network: Tennessee drunk driving laws, FAQs and information.
- Student Lifeline: offers free emergency taxi rides for students nationwide. Available to all schools and municipalities.
- Survive DWI Resource Center: information and help resource center for DWI, DUI, and OUI issues related to legal, treatment, employment, financial, family, and transportation.
- Takakjian, Sowers & Sitkoff: Los Angeles. General criminal defense, including drunk driving.
- Thomas Anelli - NYSDWI.com: Summary of New York's drunk driving laws, from an attorney.
- Tim Gomes: San Francisco. Criminal defense, with 90% of caseload involving drunk driving defense.
- Tipsy Taxi Program: provides information on how to set up an alternative to drunk driving programs in your area.
- Transport Canada - Information on Drinking and Driving: Includes information from the Canadian government about national, provincial, and territorial laws concerning standards and penalties for driving impaired, as well as information about how the laws are applied.
- U.S. Federal Aviation Administration: Rules, regulations, and programs, relating to drunk driving offenses by pilots.
- Vicki A. Jensen: San Leandro. General criminal practice with emphasis on drunk driving defense.
- Whats Driving You?: Information about alcohol, drinking and driving, and ways to think about behaviors associated with drinking, with summaries of drunk driving and 'zero tolerance' laws by state, from Intervention Instruction, Inc.